
Peluang Terakhir untuk menang RM500 & My50!

Three (3) winners will each win one (1) My50 unlimited travel pass and cash prizes as stated below.

  • 1st: RM500.00
  • 2nd: RM300.00
  • 3rd: RM100.00

To participate in the Contest, you must comply with each of the following:

(a) Create a few selfies (min 4 photos per submission) creatively that suit the theme; the selfies must include MRT Putrajaya Line (Phase 1) and Rapid KL rail and/or bus services and the theme is Merdeka/Keluarga Malaysia;

(b) Ensure at least two (2) selfies in the submission are taken at/on the MRT Putrajaya Line (Phase 1);

(c) Use the hashtag #RapidKLSelfieContest, #KamiBawaAnda & #KeluargaMalaysia in your caption and tag “@myrapid” on Facebook or “@myrapidkl” on Instagram;

(d) Ensure your account is set to public.

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