The Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (PDPA) and the applicable regulations, guidelines, orders made under the PDPA and any statuory amendments or re-enactments made of the PDPA from time-to-time (collectively the Act), which regulates the processing of personal data in commercial transactions, applies to Prasarana Malaysia Berhad, and its affiliates (including but not limited to its subsidiaries, associated and affiliated companies, and related corporations)(“our”, “us” or “we”). For the purpose of this written notice (Notice), the terms personal data and processing shall have the same meaning as prescribed in the Act.
Akta Perlindungan Data Peribadi 2010 (“APDP”) dan peraturan-peraturan, panduan-panduan, perintah-perintah terpakai yang dibuat di bawah APDP dan apa-apa pindaan berkanun atau enakmen semula yang dibuat mengenai APDP dari semasa ke semasa (secara kolektif “Akta” tersebut) yang mengawal selia pemprosesan data peribadi dalam transaksi komersial, terpakai kepada Prasarana Malaysia Berhad dan sekutunya (termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada anak syarikatnya, syarikat-syarikat berkaitan dan bersekutunya dan perbadanan berkaitannya) (“kami”). Untuk tujuan notis bertulis ini (“Notis”), terma-terma “data peribadi” dan “pemprosesan” mempunyai maksud yang sama seperti yang ditakrif dalam Akta tersebut.
1. This Notice serves to inform you whether you are our customers, vendors, suppliers, distributors or service providers that your personal data is being processed by us or on our behalf and you hereby give your consent to the processing of your personal data.
Description of personal data
2. We may collect a variety of your personal data including but not limited to your name, date of birth, age, company name, designation, Malaysian Identification Card number, passport number or such other personal identification number, nationality, religion, e-mail address, address, contact number, health declaration, photograph, CCTV images, bus or train boarding time/alighting time, other personal data you submitted to us from time to time and all other personal data we again collect from you on any subsequent occasion.
3. Your personal data is being or is to be collected and further processed for:
(a) performing our contractual obligation with you and for the continuation of such contractual obligations;
(b) administer and give effect to your commercial transaction with us;
(c) administering and processing any payments related to products, services and/or facilities requested by you;
(d) providing our products and/or services to you (or your company, if applicable);
(e) communicating with you;
(f) responding to your inquiries or complaints and resolving disputes;
(g) inviting you to participate in our events, education program and activities;
(h) conducting activities such as evaluating the effectiveness of marketing, market surveys/research, trend analysis, statistic compilation, reporting, audit, compliance, risk management, and data analytics to improve our services, marketing or advertising content;
(i) providing you (or your company, if applicable) with information and/or updates on our products and/or services, promotional offers and of our related corporations and business partners;
(j) identifying you (including publishing your name and photograph) should you become a winner in a contest and/or participate in any events/activities organised by us;
(k) processing your invoices in relation to the sale/supply/distribution of your products and/or services;
(l) sending e-newsletters or promotional marketing materials to you;
(m) investigation and crime prevention purposes;
(n) operating our premises in a manner which is physically safe, secure and befitting of health and safety requirements including without limitation, facilitating any contact tracing efforts in relation to COVID-19;
(o) conducting other legitimate business activities;
(p) complying with any legal or regulatory requirements and/or requests from government ministries/departments/bodies/agencies/regulatory bodies;
(q) conducting credit reference checks and establishing your credit worthiness, where necessary;
(r) sending you seasonal/birthday greetings messages and gifts from time to time;
(s) purposes of obtaining legal and/or financial advice, enforcing our rights and/or for purposes of commencing legal action pursuant to any agreement or document which you have duly entered with us;
(t) preparation of legal documents or contract to be entered by you;
(u) developing products and/or services or launch marketing campaigns jointly with third parties;
(v) applying and obtaining insurance policy(ies), if necessary;
(w) applying and obtaining credit facility(ies), if necessary;
(x) transferring or assigning our rights, interests and obligations under any of your agreements with us;
(y) purposes related to our company functions and/or events;
(z) creating and maintaining a common database where we have a legitimate common interest;
(aa) data storage purposes;
(bb) such other purposes directly related to the foregoing.
(collectively, the “Purposes”).
Source of personal data
4. Your personal data is being or is to be collected (i) from your Malaysian Identification card, student card and/or Kad OKU when you purchase our products and/or services, (ii) when you fill in any forms to register to use our products and/or services, (iii) when you fill in any forms to participate in any contests or training program organized by us, (iv) when you log in to or use our products and/or services; (v) when you contact our customer service centre; (vi) from you directly when you submit your personal data to us for any of the Purposes, (vii) CCTV recordings, (viii) from all other communication between you and us on any subsequent occasion; (ix) any other forms, cards and documents through which we collect information from you; (x) events, (xi) any third parties (including credit reference bodies, regulatory and law enforcement authorities), (xii) health declaration forms and (xiii) from all other information that you may provide us from time to time.
Access to, correction of and limiting the processing of personal data
5. You have the right to request access to and to request correction of your personal data and to contact us with any inquiries or complaints in respect of your personal data (including the possible choices and means for limiting the processing of your personal data or to cease or not begin processing your personal data for purposes of direct marketing) from:
Designation: PDPA Officer
Telephone No.: +603-22991999
Fax No.: +603-22991919
E-mail address: pdpa@prasarana.com.my
6. Subject to provisions of the Act: Tertakluk kepada peruntukan-peruntukan Akta tersebut:
(a) you may, upon payment of a prescribed fee, make a data access request in writing to us in relation to your personal data. If a copy of the personal data which we supplied to you in compliance with a data access request is inaccurate, incomplete, misleading or not up-to-date, you may make a data correction request in writing to us that we make the necessary correction to the personal data;
(b) we may refuse to comply with a data access request or a data correction request and shall, by notice in writing, inform you of our refusal and the reasons of our refusal.
Withdrawal of Consent
7. You have the right to withdraw your consent previously given to us (in full or in part) subject to any applicable legal restrictions, contractual conditions and a reasonable duration of time for the withdrawal of consent to be effected by providing us a notice in writing.
Disclosure of personal data
8. We disclose or may disclose your personal data to our subsidiaries, related corporations, affiliates, business partners, service providers (including without limitation our vendors, suppliers, agents and contractors), our financial and professional advisors, insurance companies, banks and/or financial institutions (including payment channels), Royal Malaysian Police, healthcare providers including hospitals, governmental departments and/or agencies, regulatory and/or statutory bodies, your immediate family members and/or emergency contact person as may be notified to us from time to time, any party in relation to legal proceedings or prospective legal proceedings, any party nominated or appointed by us either solely or jointly with other service providers, data centres and/or servers, storage facility and records management service providers located within or outside Malaysia and any such third party requested or authorized by you for any of the Purposes.o
Third party personal data
9. We may require your assistance if the personal data relating to other persons is required to process your personal data for the Purposes and you hereby agree to use your best endeavors to assist us when required. In the event that personal data of any third party is supplied by you to us, you shall ensure that such third party has read this Notice and consented to us collecting his/her personal data for any of the Purposes prior to the supply of his/her personal data to us.
Personal data of minors
10. In respect of minors (i.e. individuals under 18 years of age) or individuals not legally competent to give consent, you confirm that you are the parent or guardian or person who has parental responsibility over them or the person appointed by court to manage their affairs or that they have appointed you to act for them, to consent on their behalf to the processing (including disclosure and transfer) of their personal data in accordance with this Notice.
Obligatory personal data
11. It is obligatory that you supply us the details marked with asterisk (*) in our registration form (collectively, “compulsory personal data”). If you fail to supply us the compulsory personal data, we may refuse to process your personal data for any of the Purposes and/or result in us being unable to provide you with the services and/or products requested.
Transfer of personal data to places outside Malaysia
12. We may transfer your personal data to a place outside Malaysia and you hereby give your consent to the transfer.
Accuracy of your personal data
13. You are responsible for ensuring that the information you provide us is accurate, complete, not misleading and kept up to date.
14. We may update and amend this Notice from time to time. We will notify you of any amendments to this Notice via announcements on our website or other appropriate means. Please check our website from time to time for amendments to this Notice. Any such amendments will be effective upon notification to you. By continuing to use our services and/or accessing our website, or providing us with your services, after being notified of any amendments to this Notice, you will be considered as having agreed to such amendments.
15. In the event of any inconsistency between the English version and the Bahasa Malaysia version of this Notice, the English version shall prevail over the Bahasa Malaysia version.
1. Notis ini bertujuan untuk memaklumkan kepada anda sama ada anda adalah pelanggan, penjual, pembekal, pengedar atau pembekal perkhidmatan kami bahawa data peribadi anda sedang diproses oleh atau bagi pihak kami dan anda dengan ini memberikan persetujuan anda bagi pemprosesan data peribadi anda.
Perihalan data peribadi
3. Data peribadi anda sedang atau akan dikumpulkan dan diproses selanjutnya untuk:
(a) melaksanakan obligasi kontrak dengan anda dan untuk kesinambungan obligasi kontrak tersebut;
(b) mentadbir dan memberi kesan kepada transaksi komersial anda dengan kami
(c) mentadbir and memproses apa-apa bayaran berkaitan dengan produk, perkhidmatan dan/atau kemudahan yang diminta oleh anda;
(d) memberikan produk dan/atau perkhidmatan kami kepada anda (atau syarikat anda, jika berkenaan);
(e) berhubung dengan anda;
(f) menjawab pertanyaan atau aduan anda dan menyelesaikan pertikaian;
(g) menjemput anda untuk menyertai acara-acara, program-program pendidikan dan aktiviti-aktiviti
(h) menjalankan kegiatan seperti menilai keberkesanan pemasaran, tinjauan/penyelidikan pasaran, analisis kecenderungan, penyusunan statistik, pelaporan, audit, pematuhan, pengurusan risiko, dan analisis data untuk menambahbaik perkhidmatan, kandungan permasaran atau pengiklanan kami;
(i) memberikan anda (atau syarikat anda, jika berkenaan) maklumat dan/atau kemas kini tentang produk dan/atau perkhidmatan kami, tawaran promosi dan perbadanan-perbadanan berkaitan dan rakan perniagaan kami;
(j) mengenal pasti identiti anda (termasuk penerbitan nama dan gambar anda) jika anda menjadi pemenang dan/atau menyertai apa-apa acara/aktiviti yang dianjurkan oleh kami;
(k) memproses invois anda yang berkenaan dengan jualan/bekalan/edaran produk dan/atau
perkhidmatan anda;
(l) menghantar surat berita elektronik atau bahan pemasaran promosi kepada anda;
(m) maksud-maksud penyiasatan dan pencegahan jenayah;
(n) mengendalikan premis kami dengan cara yang selamat secara fizikal dan sesuai dengan keperluan kesihatan and keselamatan termasuk tanpa had, mempermudahkan usaha-usaha pengesanan kontak berkenaan dengan COVID-19;
(o) menjalankan kegiatan-kegiatan perniagaan sah lain;
(p) memenuhi apa-apa kehendak undang-undang atau kawal selia dan/atau permintaan daripada kementerian-kementerian kerajaan/jabatan/badan-badan/agensi-agensi/badan-badan kawal selia;
(q) menjalankan semakan rujukan kredit dan mewujudkan kelayakan kredit anda, di mana perlu;
(r) menghantar mesej salam bermusim/ulang tahun dan hadiah kepada dari semasa ke semasa;
(s) maksud-maksud mendapatkan nasihat undang-undang dan/atau kewangan, menguatkuasakan hak-hak kami dan/atau untuk maksud-maksud memulakan tindakan undang-undang menurut sebarang perjanjian atau dokumen di mana anda telah masuk dengan kami;
(t) penyediaan dokumen undang-undang atau kontrak yang akan dimasukkan oleh anda;
(u) membangunkan produk dan/atau perkhidmatan atau melancarkan kempen-kempen pemasaran
bersama-sama dengan pihak ketiga;
(v) memohon dan memperoleh polisi insurans, jika perlu;
(w) memohon dan memperoleh kemudahan kredit, jika perlu;
(x) memindahkan atau menyerahkan hak, kepentingan dan obligasi kami di bawah apa-apa perjanjian
anda dengan kami;
(y) maksud-maksud berkaitan dengan fungsi-fungsi dan/atau acara-acara syarikat kami;
(z) mewujudkan dan mengekalkan suatu pangkalan data yang dikongsi di mana kami mempunyai
kepentingan sah yang sama;
(aa) maksud-maksud penyimpanan data;
(bb) maksud-maksud lain yang berhubungan secara langsung dengan yang tersebut di atas.
(secara kolektif, “Maksud-maksud” tersebut).
Sumber data peribadi
Akses kepada, pembetulan terhadap dan had pemprosesan data peribadi
5. Anda berhak untuk meminta akses kepada dan meminta pembetulan terhadap data peribadi anda dan untuk menghubungi kami tentang apa-apa pertanyaan atau aduan berkenaan dengan data peribadi anda (termasuk pilihan-pilihan dan cara-cara yang mungkin untuk mengehadkan pemprosesan data peribadi anda atau untuk memberhentikan atau tidak memulakan pemprosesan data peribadi anda bagi tujuan pemasaran langsung) daripada:
Perjawatan: Pegawai PDPA
No. Telefon: +603-22991999
No. Fax: +603-22991919
Alamat E-mel: pdpa@prasarana.com.my
6. Tertakluk kepada peruntukan-peruntukan Akta tersebut:
(a) Anda boleh, dengan membayar fi yang ditetapkan, membuat suatu permintaan mengakses data berkaitan diri anda secara bertulis kepada kami. Jika suatu salinan data peribadi telah diberikan oleh kami dengan mematuhi permintaan mengakses data dan anda menganggap bahawa data peribadi itu tidak tepat, tidak lengkap, mengelirukan atau tidak terkini, anda boleh membuat suatu permintaan pembetulan data secara bertulis kepada kami supaya kami membuat pembetulan yang perlu kepada data peribadi itu; dan
(b) Kami boleh enggan mematuhi permintaan mengakses data atau permintaan pembetulan data dan hendaklah, melalui notis bertulis, memaklumkan anda mengenai keengganan tersebut dan sebab- sebab bagi keengganan tersebut.