LRT (Light Rail Transit)


Station Opening Hours
Stations are open for travellers from 6am on Monday to Sunday. On special days, some stations may open earlier.
Station Closing Hours
Closing time for stations varies depending on location. Travellers exiting at stations with its shutters rolled down don’t panic. You may exit at the bypass door as indicated by station staff.
Note: In the event of any approved service extension hours or special-request events, a dedicated train schedule and operation plan will be introduced. This include all unique operations i.e. Ramadhan operations, where the morning and evening peak hours vary. We advise all travellers to plan their journey well and be aware of the closing hours for the intended exit station.
Station Opening Hours
Stations are open for travellers from 6am on Monday to Sunday. On special days, some stations may open earlier.
Station Closing Hours
Closing time for stations varies depending on location. Travellers exiting at stations with its shutters rolled down don’t panic. You may exit at the bypass door as indicated by station staff.
Note: In the event of any approved service extension hours or special-request events, a dedicated train schedule and operation plan will be introduced. This include all unique operations i.e. Ramadhan operations, where the morning and evening peak hours vary. We advise all travellers to plan their journey well and be aware of the closing hours for the intended exit station.
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